Message from the chairman
As Chairman of the Board of HKUST R and D Corporation Ltd (RDC), I invite you, the private sector, to enter into a partnership with RDC to explore the technologies, expertise and facilities of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Through working with a sophisticated team of university researchers committed to serving your needs, we provide you with the opportunities to benefit from the advanced technology so vital to Hong Kong’s economic future.
Applied R&D, prototyping, access to state-of-the-art facilities, consulting by expert faculty, and technology licensing – these are some of the benefits you can gain by working with RDC.
Our mandate is to contribute to the economic development and long-term prosperity of Hong Kong and the region. By helping your business to take advantage of new technology to enhance operational efficiency and productivity, and to create new products or services, we help strengthen Hong Kong’s competitive position in the fast developing global economy.
We welcome the opportunity to discuss ways in which we can work together. We look forward to developing a partnership with you.
Prof. Penger TONG
Chairman of the Board